Montshire Museum

Nature of Work: Various renovations

Location: Norwich, Vermont

The Community Amenity and Public Spaces “CAPS” project included renovations to the public restrooms, coat rooms, event kitchen, and community room for presentations and hosted events.

The Theater Renovation project consisted of the conversion of a 1,600 SF theater into exhibit space, including installation of sound panels and sound absorbing paint on the ceiling. The scope included removal of old flooring, walls, and ceiling, and installation of new. The walls and trim were painted. Necessary changes were made to electrical, mechanical, and sprinkler systems.

The scope of work for the Picnic Pavilion and Restroom Facilities project included completing the toilet building, installing curb cuts, and manhole and utility work associated with bringing the waterline, electrical, and sewer to both the pavilion and toilet building.

Trumbull-Nelson also managed two site improvement projects.

Montshire Museum

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