Littleton Healthcare Sauter Birthing Suite
Nature of Work: Complete renovation and 5,300 SF expansion of Birthing Suite facilities
Location: Littleton, New Hampshire
When the campus on St. Johnsbury Road was originally built, LHR’s birthing center was designed to handle 200 births each year, offering 3 rooms where moms could deliver their babies. Over the past few years several hospitals in northern New Hampshire closed their obstetrical departments, leaving LRH as one of the few that still offer these services. The number of deliveries continues to rise – LRH currently welcomes 350 newborns annually. That increase created the need to expand and renovate their birthing suite.
The hospital desired to offer rooms where new parents and their families could enjoy the birth of their children and grandchildren, making a stay in the birthing suite much more comfortable for laboring moms, their babies, and their family and friends.
The new birthing suite was named in honor of Dr. John Sauter, Obstetrician/Gynecologist who has been on the medical staff at LRH for 36 years and has delivered more than 6,000 babies, with 4,500 at LRH.
The expansion added 3 new rooms to the birthing center, which were completed over 3 phases in order to not interrupt birthing services. Along with the expansion, the entire Birthing Suite was renovated.
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